2022-2023 Dress Codes:
Creative Movement, Combo & Beginner Ballet
Attire: leotard or dance dress, Any color tights
Shoes: Pink ballet shoes-Combo classes: Pink Ballet and Black tap shoes
Hair: bun or ponytail
Boys: Any color t-shirt, black pants, black ballet shoes
Attire: Black leotard, pink tights
Shoes: Pink leather Ballet shoes
Hair: Bun
Boys: White t-shirt, black pants, black ballet shoes
Attire: Leotard, leggings/shorts, pink, any color tights
Shoes: Tan jazz shoes
Hair: Bun/ponytail
Boys: Any color t-shirt, black pants, black Jazz shoes
Attire: Leotard, dance pants/shorts/skirt, any color tights
Boys:Any color t-shirt, black pants
Shoes: Black tap shoes
Hair: Bun/ponytail
Hip Hop
Attire: Comfy exercise wear
Shoes: Solid White sneakers-any brand (no street shoes allowed, these are to be worn only in the studio)
Mini Hip Hop/Tumbling
Attire: Leotard, Stretchy shorts, No shoes required for this class
Musical Theatre, Acting, Voice
Attire: Leotard, dance shorts/pants/skirt, any color tights.
Boys:Any color t-shirt, black pants, black Jazz shoes
Shoes: Tan Jazz shoes
Hair: Bun/ponytail
Lyrical & Contemporary
Attire: Leotard, Tights
Boys: Any color t-shirt, black pants
Shoes: Foot undeez
(Team members only are allowed to wear half soles)
Hair: Bun/Ponytail
Attire: Leotard, Stretchy shorts
*No shoes required for this class
Boys, Any T-shirt and Shorts
Musical Theatre, Acting and Voice
Leotard-any color, Shorts or leggings, Tan jazz shoes, Hair in ponytail or bun
Boys, Any color T-shirt, Black pants or shorts, Black Jazz shoes
Leotard, Shorts or Leggings, Any Color Tights
Hair Ponytail/Bun
Tan Jazz Shoes